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Recruitment agency
B2B solution

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Why to choose us?

Selection speed guarantee

We will conduct a search and selection as soon as possible so that a specialist suitable for you starts working as soon as possible 

Replacement Warranty

If the employee fails to cope with the work during the trial period, the agency will promptly and free of charge select a new one for you

Favorable cost

Quality work

   Individual candidate selection and evaluation system.

 In each of the niches, we cooperate with highly qualified specialists of this industry who have experience in this field

Favorable market price,

additional system of discounts and bonuses for loyal customers


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Image by Matthew Henry

How Do We Work


The main steps in the fulfillment of the order:


    Drafting of a detailed profile of the required candidate and a professional showcase of the client’s vacancy.

   The vacancy placement on the specific and proper resources. Active call-down of candidates on open and closed resume databases.

   Processing of potential employees through our own database and other possible resources.

   Resume analysis, phone interviews, preliminary online testing an analysis.


   Interview of the vacancy candidates with recruiters and niche experts 

   Appraisal of candidates with a help of the competence interview with the possible use of cases. There is also additional testing.

   Collecting recommendations from the previous employers, checking the candidate on all necessary security issues.


   The final choice and providing the best candidates with detailed comments and explanations to the client.

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